January 22, 2009

Test Pilot: Wouldn’t it be nice to have a way to do real usability studies?

How many tabs does an average use at a time? How about novice users? How often is the stop button pressed? How many times do people open a new tab to perform a search?

There are hundreds of questions like these whose answers would help quantitatively inform the design process of Firefox.

Those are the questions that Aza Raskin and the Mozilla Labs team are working on solving with Test Pilot, a very exciting project that is kicking off in force.

I am jazzed to see where this goes. I would love to see the crowd show us that “wow, people really do that?” which is my constant experience from usability studies. Maybe we could get some performance info too, and learn from the crowd that plugin A + plugin B causes issues. Who knows. The platform it just beginning. Have ideas? “Come brainstorm at a Lab’s Night, participate in the forums, hop on IRC, or help create on our wiki.”

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